Forum Discussion

payaldalal's avatar
Occasional Contributor
15 years ago

How to select date from Data Time Picker in browserless silverlight application?

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I have an issue to discuss with all of you.

Issue is like this:

I am working on browser
less silver light application. I want to select date using code in Jscript by
giving value in  'DD-MM-YYYY'.

So I tried to specify my controls class name in the Win32 Controls and Windows
| Date-time picker group of my project’s Object Mapping options.

While adding control from Screen it gives error as "The selected object
does not match the criteria of 'Win32 Controls and Windows' group."

I am facing same issue while adding my Combo box control in object Mapping.

I am attaching Screen shot of Date Time Picker Control.

Am i following right procedure?



3 Replies

  • Hi,

    So I tried to specify my controls class name in the Win32 Controls and Windows | Date-time picker group of my project’s Object Mapping options.

    While adding control from Screen it gives error as "The selected object does not match the criteria of 'Win32 Controls and Windows' group."

    I am facing same issue while adding my Combo box control in object Mapping.

    I am attaching Screen shot of Date Time Picker Control.

    Am i following right procedure?

    No, unfortunately, you did not follow the right procedure - Silverlight applications are exposed by using the Microsoft UI Automation technology. So, try using the approach described in the "Testing Silverlight Applications with TestComplete" help topic. Please note that this topic applies to TestComplete 8 that has been released recently.