Forum Discussion

rawdev's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 months ago

How to run TestExecute on a VM created by a licensed TestExecute machine?

Hello, on my licensed TestExecute machine I'm using Hyper-V to create a virtual machine which I want to run my UI tests on.  To accomplish this, which machine do I need TestExecute on?  I tried installing it on the VM (created by my licensed machine), but it still appears as unlicensed when running it... so do both my physical machine and its VM need to have a license?  Or can I run TestExecute on my physical machine and then it can somehow tell the TestExecute application on the VM to start running (and that it is licensed)?

The license key I have is "TestExecute 14/15 (Floating User License) Auto Upgrade".



  • TestComplete needs to be installed on the VM to be able to interact with the UI, and it needs to consume a license seat.  

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    If you plan to run your automation on Machine X, then Machine X needs to have either TestComplete or TestExecute installed - these also need to have access to the license server.