Forum Discussion

Jakemorley's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

How to remove data from a csv file

Help please!   I am tying to create a keyword test which uses a variable from a csv file. The csv file contains serial numbers / ecodes however once an ecode has been used I want to remove it from ...
  • hkim5's avatar
    5 years ago

    one last suggestion would be to use a persistent project level variable as an integer value;

    you can reference that value as an index, save a table(or column of those serial codes etc.) as another variable, and access one index value at a time, with an additional last step being incrementing the persisten project level variable. 

    now you can edit what you are typing in/setting text/etc.


    and when you click into that value panel, you can select your table variable, then select the cell, column (the names or serial numbesr etc.) and then the rows (project index variable)


    and then finally, you increment the value of the project index variable by 1, using a little code.

    drag that script routine in as your last step in your keyword test, and now, everytime you run your test, this test will use the next "row" of the table variable storing whatever information you have, to type it in as you need.