Forum Discussion

mithunpal2's avatar
6 years ago

How to recognize object and record the test

Here I am not able to record. because what ever I am trying to do it is recording as 

FrameShawFrame and clicks on certain points for each and every action I am doing on this screen.

Can you please guide me how to record this in test complete.

  • Yeah... at this point, it looks like you're not going to be able to identify the contents as is... the frame is masking what's going on internally.  

    So... couple of options.


    1) Text Recognition - Under Tools | Current Project Properties | Open Applications | Text Recognition, add that "class" of object to the list.  TestComplete will then create objects based upon text on screen that are then clickable.  

    2) OCR - If you have the license for it, you can use the built in AI OCR to find and execute actions against objects.

7 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    If that FrameSHawFrame is an iFrame, there may be some difficulties in doing a recorded test against it.  I've had issues with TestComplete recognizing components internally in an iFrame.


    Alternatively... that component, FrameShawFrame, may be an unsupported component type for TestCOmplete and it may not recognize it's internal contents.  If you can get a screenshot of the OBject Browser showing the frame and an ObjectSpy giving the properties of it, that would be helpful.

    • mithunpal2's avatar

      Please find attached Object Spy and Object browser as Requested.

      Looks like for each and every object it is not recognizing diffrently as I can see whole page is selected for each and every action.

      Can you please provide your expert opinion if there is any way to record this test.

      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        Yeah... at this point, it looks like you're not going to be able to identify the contents as is... the frame is masking what's going on internally.  

        So... couple of options.


        1) Text Recognition - Under Tools | Current Project Properties | Open Applications | Text Recognition, add that "class" of object to the list.  TestComplete will then create objects based upon text on screen that are then clickable.  

        2) OCR - If you have the license for it, you can use the built in AI OCR to find and execute actions against objects.

  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I suggest starting here:


    And about halfway down that page you will find a helpful table:

    To get started with creating automated web tests, walk through the Testing Web Applications - Tutorial. It is recommended for novice users and for users who do not have experience in automating web tests.

    To learn more about creating and enhancing web tests, refer to the following topics.

    To learn more about… See these topics…
    Recording web tests Creating and Recording Web Tests
    Creating and editing tests manually Keyword Tests and Writing Scripts - Overview
    Launching web browsers Launching Browsers
    Finding objects on web pages Common Tasks for Web Testing
    Verifying web page elements Using Checkpoints With Web Controls
    Verifying web page contents About Web Accessibility Checkpoints
    About Web Comparison Checkpoints
    Automating modal dialog boxes Handling JavaScript Popups and Browser Dialogs
    Common tasks that you perform to create tests in TestComplete Common Tasks for Web Testing
    Examples of typical web testing solutions Web Testing - Examples
    Running web tests Running Tests
    Running multiple test iterations using data from an external file Data-Driven Testing