Forum Discussion

praveenskg's avatar
3 months ago

How to get the data in the summary report into variable

I am working on creating a table with all the data available in the Junit summary report

I want to check here to see if there is any Test complete inbuilt variables that has these values available.  I am looking for execution data such as Run test cases, Passed test cases &
Failed test cases. 

i am using below command to generate & export Test results summary in Junit format Log.SaveResultsAs("C:\\Work\\Log\\Log.xml", lsJUnit)

sample Junit report -> 

<testsuites name="CommonAutomationFramework" tests="2"  failures="2" errors="0" time="17" >
  <testsuite name="CommonAutomationFramework-UI" tests="2" failures="2" errors="0" hostname="xxxxxxxx" time="17" timestamp="2024-08-15T09:34:22.088-07:00">