7 years agoFrequent Contributor
how to get date value equal to today's date without timestamp from the Date column in a grid.
I was using below script findrow method to capture the date .any suggestions.
var dt = aqDateTime.Today();
var FormatStr = aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(dt, "%#m/%#d/%Y")
Log.Message("Value of dt or Formated String --> " + FormatStr)
RowIndex = Grid.FindRow("Created Date",FormatStr);
for(i=0;i<= attributeMaintenanceGrid.wRowCount-1;i++)
attributeMaintenanceGrid.wValue(i, "Created Date");
Log.Message("Value of dt string --> " + "Created Date")
getting : value todays date is not found since date column considers timestamp too
and value doesnot return created date value.