4 years agoOccasional Contributor
How to get all js methods/functions that could be used while working with Microsoft Office
Hello everyone,
There is an example of working with Microsoft Office products like Word, Excel, etc.
In this example (js), we can see some methods to work with Selection, Paragraphs, etc like:
MsWord = Sys.OleObject("Word.Application");
MsWord.Visible = true;
Doc = MsWord.Documents.Add();
MsWord.Selection.InsertAfter("TestComplete Report");
MsWord.Selection.MoveDown(wdParagraph, 1);
The question is where I can find the whole list of classes(if it's classes, like "Documents", "Paragraphs", etc) / methods(like "InsertAfter", "MoveDown", etc) for interacting with Microsoft Office apps?
Will appreciate any info 🙂