Forum Discussion

rhu's avatar
3 years ago

How to get a SQL query result into a (log) file (and excel file) if the result hast 2 or more rows

I want to do a sql query where i get a table with 2 or more lines and want to get the output as log file within TestComplete and optional also written to a excel fiile

SQL query could be like:
Select NN as lastname from  database  test
where lastname = 'test'
Order by lastname DESC

Executing the sql query I get e.g. 5 rows containing the "lastname"

Steps in Testcomplete:
I create a variable named "result" with Type DB Table where I enter the query
Pressing view results in the Edit DB Table Variable Value "Designer" gets me the correct results (e.g. 5 rows)

Now I create a manual Teststep
Item Log
Details Mode Table Date
As Value I select the variable "result".

If I run the test I always get the result from the first line but not the total table.
How can i get all results from the SQL query (e.g. 5 rows)


  • Kitt's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    EDIT: **2nd RESPONSE**

    For some reason my first response was blocked, so I guess I'll try again with the short answer:



    function sqlRecordSet(query)
      // set log and variables
      Log.Message("SQL Query: " + query);
      var AConnection, result;
      // Get the sheet of the Excel file
      var excelFile = Excel.Open("C:\\yourFilePath\\testRecordSet.xlsx");
      var excelSheet = excelFile.SheetByTitle("Sheet1");
      // create a connection object
      AConnection = ADO.CreateConnection();
      // specify the connection string
      AConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;"
        + "Server=tcp:" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabaseServer + ";"
        + "Database=" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabase + ";"
        + "Uid=" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabaseUser + ";" 
        + "Pwd=" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabasePass.DecryptedValue + ";";
      // open the connection
      // Create a new Recordset object
      var Rs = ADO.CreateRecordset();
      // Read data from the recordset and post them to the test log
      Log.AppendFolder("SQL Record Set");
      while(! Rs.EOF)
        result = Rs.Fields.Item(0);
        // Write the obtained data into a new row of the file
        var rowIndex = excelSheet.RowCount + 1;
        excelSheet.Cell("A", rowIndex).Value = result;
      return result;
      // Close the recordset and connection
    function test() {
      // handle envt db user/pass
      CommonSQL.sqlDatabaseHandler("sqldb-entitlements-" + aqString.ToLower(ProjectSuite.Variables.Environment));
      // return record set and save to excel
      CommonSQL.sqlRecordSet("SELECT [column] FROM [table] WHERE [column] = 'Test Complete'");




  • Kitt's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    EDIT: **1st RESPONSE**

    If you wanted to pass a query to the database instead of referencing an .mdb file, it would look something like this:




    // executes sql statement capturing results in a record set
    function sqlRecordSet(query)
      // set log and variables
      Log.Message("SQL Query: " + query);
      var AConnection, result;
      // create a connection object
      AConnection = ADO.CreateConnection();
      // specify the connection string
      AConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;"
        + "Server=tcp:" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabaseServer + ";"
        + "Database=" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabase + ";"
        + "Uid=" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabaseUser + ";" 
        + "Pwd=" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabasePass.DecryptedValue + ";";
      // open the connection
      // Create a new Recordset object
      var Rs = ADO.CreateRecordset();
      // Read data from the recordset and post them to the test log
      Log.AppendFolder("SQL Record Set");
      while(! Rs.EOF)
        result = Rs.Fields.Item(0);
      return result;
      // Close the recordset and connection





    Similarly, you could use an array to accomplish the same thing, counting the results then looping through to post the values to the log: 




    // executes sql statement capturing results in array
    function sqlQueryArray(query) {
      // set log, variables, & array
      Log.Message("SQL Query: " + query);
      var AConnection, recSet, results;
      var dataSet = [];
      // create a connection object
      AConnection = ADO.CreateConnection();
      // specify the connection string
        AConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;"
        + "Server=tcp:" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabaseServer + ";"
        + "Database=" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabase + ";"
        + "Uid=" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabaseUser + ";" 
        + "Pwd=" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabasePass.DecryptedValue + ";";
      // open the connection
      // execute a simple query
      recSet = AConnection.Execute(query);
      // iterate through query results and insert data into the test log
      for (i = 0; i <= recSet.RecordCount - 1; i++) {
        dataSet.push(" " + recSet.Fields.Item(0).Value);
      ProjectSuite.Variables.DynamicVarInt = recSet.RecordCount; // track number of records in array
      return dataSet;
      // close the connection





    You would then just pass your query in from another function (I am also calling my envt handler function, which just updates the user/pass base on the envt I'm testing in - you can ignore this line if you handle in a different way):





    function testRecordSetAndArray() {
      // handle envt db user/pass
      CommonSQL.sqlDatabaseHandler("sqldb-" + 
      // return array
      var arrayData = CommonSQL.sqlQueryArray("SELECT [column] FROM [table] WHERE [column] = 'Test Complete'");
      // return record set
      CommonSQL.sqlRecordSet("SELECT [column] FROM [table] WHERE [column] = 'Test Complete'");





    The log results look similar, but the array needs to be set as a variable before you call and log it. The array function also prints the values to the same line so it is better used as a reference (or if you have have a large dataset and don't want to write a ton of new lines to the log). The record set is better served for working with the data, as rraghvani referenced 


    FULL SCOPE: using the CreateRecordSet method to also save the records to an excel file


    // create a records set, write values to the log, and save results to excel
    function sqlRecordSet(query)
      // set log and variables
      Log.Message("SQL Query: " + query);
      var AConnection, result;
      // Get the sheet of the Excel file
      var excelFile = Excel.Open("C:\\yourFilePath\\testRecordSet.xlsx");
      var excelSheet = excelFile.SheetByTitle("Sheet1");
      // create a connection object
      AConnection = ADO.CreateConnection();
      // specify the connection string
      AConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;"
        + "Server=tcp:" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabaseServer + ";"
        + "Database=" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabase + ";"
        + "Uid=" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabaseUser + ";" 
        + "Pwd=" + ProjectSuite.Variables.dboDatabasePass.DecryptedValue + ";";
      // open the connection
      // Create a new Recordset object
      var Rs = ADO.CreateRecordset();
      // Read data from the recordset and post them to the test log
      Log.AppendFolder("SQL Record Set");
      while(! Rs.EOF)
        result = Rs.Fields.Item(0);
        // Write the obtained data into a new row of the file
        var rowIndex = excelSheet.RowCount + 1;
        excelSheet.Cell("A", rowIndex).Value = result;
      return result;
      // Close the recordset and connection
    function test() {
      // handle envt db user/pass
      CommonSQL.sqlDatabaseHandler("sqldb-" + aqString.ToLower(ProjectSuite.Variables.Environment));
      // return record set and save to excel
      CommonSQL.sqlRecordSet("SELECT [column] FROM [table] WHERE [column] = 'Test Complete'");