How to check WinformsObject Exists or not
i am trying to check WinformsObject exists or not but the below code is not working
Log.Message("Window doesnt exists continue next step");
Please advise.
- OK then...
I used the following code to get the list of ManualTests. Basically, the code scans the current project file for the items that end with '.tcMT' which is the extension of the files with Manual Tests.
I believe that you can adopt this to iterate through all project files within your test suite and search not for Manual but for Keyword tests.
Function GetManualTestsCollection
Const cProcName = "GetManualTestsCollection"
Dim cProcNameMsgPrefix
cProcNameMsgPrefix = cUnitNameMsgPrefix & cProcName & "(): "
Const cExt = ".tcMT"
Dim Doc
Dim ManualTestCollection
Dim Nodes
Dim Node
Dim strManTCName
Dim i
Set ManualTestCollection = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set GetManualTestsCollection = ManualTestCollection
If ("" = BuiltIn.GetCOMServerPath("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0")) Then InstallMSXML
' Create COM object
Set Doc = Sys.OleObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0")
Doc.async = False
' Load data from the current project file
Call Doc.load(Project.FileName)
' Report an error, if, for instance, the markup or file structure is invalid
If (Doc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then
s = "Reason:" & vbTab & Doc.parseError.reason & vbCrLf & _
"Line:" & vbTab & CStr(Doc.parseError.line) & vbCrLf & _
"Pos:" & vbTab & CStr(Doc.parseError.linePos) & vbCrLf & _
"Source:" & vbTab & Doc.parseError.srcText
' Post an error to the log and exit
Call Log.Error(cProcNameMsgPrefix & "Error when parsing the project file.", _
Project.FileName & vbCrLf & s)
Set Doc = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
' Use an XPath expression to obtain the list of Manual tests nodes
'/Nodes/Node[@name="root"]/Node[@name="child list"]/Node/Node[@name="item data"]/Prp[@name="storage"]
' Set Nodes = Doc.selectNodes("//Prp[@name=""storage""]")
' Set Nodes = Doc.selectNodes("//Node[contains(@name,"".tcmt"")]")
' Case insensitive search for the 'name' nodes that contain the cExt ('.tcMT') extension
' Based on:
'Set Nodes = Doc.selectNodes("//Node[contains(translate(@name, ""abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"", ""ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ""),translate(""" & cExt & """, ""abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"",""ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ""))]")
' Return 'name' nodes that ends on cExt value (case insensitive compare)
' Case insensitive search for the 'name' nodes that end on the cExt ('.tcMT') extension
' Based on:
Set Nodes = Doc.selectNodes("//Node[substring(translate(@name, ""abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"", ""ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ""), string-length(@name) - string-length(""" & cExt & """) + 1, string-length(@name)) = translate(""" & cExt & """, ""abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"",""ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"")]")
' Process the nodes
For Each Node In Nodes
For i = 0 To Node.attributes.length-1
' If ("value" = Node.attributes(i).name) Then
If ("name" = Node.attributes(i).name) Then
strManTCName = Node.attributes(i).text 'e.g. ManualTests\ManualTest1\ManualTest1.tcMT
' If (0 = aqString.Compare(aqFileSystem.GetFileExtension(cExt), _
' aqFileSystem.GetFileExtension(strManTCName), False)) Then ' case insensitive compare
' get file name (without path and ext.)
strManTCName = Utilities.ChangeFileExt(aqFileSystem.GetFileName(strManTCName), "")
If ("" <> strManTCName) Then ManualTestCollection.Add strManTCName, Eval(strManTCName)
' End If
End If
Set Doc = Nothing
End Function