Forum Discussion

cp_net's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

How to access non-visual properties.

I have a WPF form which contains a property such as:

public MyFieldType MyField


    get { return _myField; }


MyFieldType is a custom class with various properties and such.

I cannot seem to access the MyField property in the ObjectMap. Is this possible?

2 Replies

  • Hi,

    Can you access this property from scripts? If you obtain your object and address this property, what result do you get (try this on a breakpoint)?
  • cp_net's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Actually, after some more analysis, here's the scenario in more details:

    public class MyCustomBox : TextBox


        public MyFieldType MyField


            get { return _myField; }



    As, you can see this has only a get accessor, but no set.

    If I add this class as a property to a WPF Window, I cannot get direct access to Window.MyCustomBox.MyField (in script and object browser). However, I can access the method get_MyField and private field zmyField.

    But when I add a public set accessor to above class, I can access the Window.MyCustomBox.MyField property from TestComplete.