Forum Discussion
- baxatobCommunity Hero
- tristaanogreEsteemed Contributor
You could also just fire up a shell and call the Exec method.
Sys.OleObject("WScript.Shell").Exec("cmd /c ""C:\MyDir\MyBat.bat""")
- vikram_u_kContributor
Hi Support,
Thank you for the quick response.
I just needed a clarification on this question regards the arguments to be passed for the executable.
I have a exe which i call with 2 Arguments( ex: ABC.exe Param1 Param2). In the TestedApps i note that the ABC.exe is listed with commandline parameters as "Param1 Param2".
Is there a way to change/parameterise the second argument alone(Param2)?.
Thanks and with regards,
Virkram U
- tristaanogreEsteemed Contributor
You should be able to access the parameters using the TestedApps object. See the reference at for the example.
Essentially, you would access the SimpleParams object of your tested app, change the parameter to only include param 2, activate, and then run your app.
- m_essaidValued Contributor
I use cmd alot now, I create environments for my apps.
for example :
first, I kill all cmd processes
then :
TestedApps.Add('cmd.exe', 'mylocation\mybatchfile.bat', 1, true, '');
Then I wait till the end of the batch execution with this wait procedure
p := Sys.FindChild('ProcessName', 'cmd');
while p.Exists do
IsClosed:= p.WaitProperty('Exists', False);
if not IsClosed then
Delay(3000, 'I wait for the end of the files copy');
p:= Sys.FindChild('ProcessName', 'cmd');
end;- vikram_u_kContributor
Thanks Guys,
I saw that the approach calls for creating commandlines which create new TestedApps which can be validated early.. user inputs with command arguments can be created in advance,
Edit: Is there a specific reason we have debug, profile options?.
I got the Results from this Link..
The application "MyTestAndroid\TestedApps\TestedApp.exeArgument1 Argument2" started. 18:22:34 Normal
Application domain created: DefaultDomain 18:22:34 Higher
Thread Create ID: 53324 18:22:34 Higher
Thread Create ID: 58744 18:22:34 Higher
Module Loaded: C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\mscorlibThanks a Lot guys for the Support.:heart:
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