Forum Discussion

morde's avatar
10 years ago

How do I downgrade from TC10.4 to TC 10.3?

Hi there,

I need to downgrade ASAP from 10.4 to 10.3 according to a name mapping format changing. Is there a way to do so?


2 Replies

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Mor,


    If you have the backup version of the project last saved in TestComplete 10.3, you can use it.

    Otherwise, you can uninstall TestComplete 10.4 and install 10.3, and try to open your current project. 


    BTW, the Name Mapping format shouldn't be changed in TestComplete 10.4. What issue do you observe in the new product version?


  • Hi Tanya, thanks for the quick response.

    I didn't save a backup of the 10.3 project (shame on me).

    Since there was a change between the previos versions of NM format (4 to 5), I wasn't able to access objects by their Aliases name. The problem occured working with another program that parses the NM, and not on TC itself.

    I think it's solved for now.

    Thanks :)