Forum Discussion

finae's avatar
9 years ago

Help - an Error occured, but i cannot find a way to prevent it from occuring


Possible reasons:
1. The application stopped responding.
2. The application was compiled incorrectly (see the Open Applications topic in the help system).
3. An error occurred in TestComplete.

Technical information:
319 0x80020009 (Exception occurred.) 
This operation was canceled because the method invoke timeout has expired.

The above is the error message this is from clicking a tab (infragistic), the tab takes a bit to response so it freezes the application for a bit (lots of join tables likely).
When the action takes place :
TC waits for the tab to be selected, and about 5second later it is now selected but still causes an error.
This is from a script.
I dont know how to go about this , i added a delay but the delay only occur after the above has error.
i've added a tr{}catch{} and it doesnt catch the error either as there are no messge display of the error.
Help ?