Handling Multiple Tabs in the Chrome browser
I have to run my Automated Tests in the Chrome browser. When I run these tests, on certain activities, a new Tab opens up and the tests do some more validations, switching to 1st tab, do some more checks, and then switch back to the second tab and then close all the tabs one after another. Now, I'm not really able to switch between the tabs. Even, Testcomplete recording doesn't seem like it's recognizing the Tabs in any different way like it does for IE(separate browser windows are identified by browserWindow2, browserWindow3..etc).
I've read some posts that talk about using Ctrl + Shift + Tab , but I'm looking for a better solution.
Has anyone ever faced this situation? any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Well we might, but that's the first one that I found when I searched. :)
Could you just store each tab URL in a variable and use those variables for the actual browsing?