Forum Discussion

Vinaydhi's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Group Ungroup FarPoint Spreadsheet rows

I want to group ungroup rows of farpoint spreadsheet by clicking +/- buttons and/or by clicking 1/2/3/4 buttons. These buttons are highlighted with yellow colour in the attachment "GroupUngroup.PNG".


Can anyone help me?


-Vinay Dhingra

  • This issue is resolved with the help of SmartBear customer care.


    Solution was:

    var rgi = fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.GetRangeGroupInfo(2, true);
    fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.ExpandRangeGroup(rgi.GetValue(0), true, true);


    Thanks SmartBear !!



13 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Vinay,


    I think that you should:

    -- Either try MSAA (enable '*' class name option and check if it enables TestComplete to recognize needed controls);

    -- Or talk to developers / read control's documentation for the function that expands/collapses the given data group (I prefer this option more because if its better reliability).

    • Vinaydhi's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      It has ExpandRow method but it is not working. Have a look at the attachment "ExpandRow.PNG".


      I am still struggling for the solution :(



      • Colin_McCrae's avatar
        Community Hero

        What has an ExpandRow method?


        The row itself? Might not like you accessing it directly. It's also not how the user would do it. They can't trigger methods directly. They click things which trigger those methods. If you're testing a front end, should always go the user route and avoid direct method calls if at all possible as you may miss things doing it that way.


        Anyway ....


        Are the number buttons or +/- buttons visible to TC as objects? Without seeing the Object Model for this, and the available properties/methods of these objects (if they're recognised as such), it's kind of hard to say how you should approach it ....