Forum Discussion
14 years agoChampion Level 3
Hi Peter,
The following code was posted by Automated's Support a long time ago when there was no WaitAliasedChild method in the Aliases object.
The code may not work now, but maybe it might inspire you with some ideas...
The following script gets an object by its full name from the Aliases tree. I hope you will find the code useful:
function Test()
var obj;
obj = WaitAliasedObject("Aliases.Sys.MainEdit", 5000);
if (!obj.Exists)
Log.Error("Object was not found");
function WaitAliasedObject(alias, timeout)
var mappedName;
mappedName = GetMappedNameByAlias(alias);
if (mappedName == "") {
Log.Warning("A mapped name for the " + alias + " was not found");
return Utils.CreateStubObject();
return WaitObjectByMappedPath(Utils.CreateStubObject(), mappedName, timeout);
function WaitObjectByMappedPath(parentObj, path, timeout)
var dotPosition, currentItemName, lowPath, startTime, childObj, newTimeout;
if (path == "")
return Utils.CreateStubObject();
dotPosition = path.indexOf(".");
if (dotPosition < 0) {
currentItemName = path;
lowPath = "";
else {
currentItemName = path.substr(0, dotPosition);
lowPath = path.substr(dotPosition + 1);
startTime = Win32API.GetTickCount();
if (!parentObj.Exists) {
dotPosition = lowPath.indexOf(".");
if (dotPosition < 0)
return Utils.CreateStubObject();
else {
currentItemName = currentItemName + "." + lowPath.substr(0, dotPosition);
lowPath = lowPath.substr(dotPosition + 1);
childObj = eval(currentItemName);
childObj = parentObj.WaitNamedChild(currentItemName, timeout);
if (!childObj.Exists)
return Utils.CreateStubObject();
if (lowPath == "")
return childObj;
else {
newTimeout = timeout - (Win32API.GetTickCount() - startTime);
if (newTimeout < 0)
return Utils.CreateStubObject();
return WaitObjectByMappedPath(childObj, lowPath, timeout);
function GetMappedNameByAlias(alias)
var i, tcNM, nmFilePath, items, logicalNodes, aliasedNode, mappedNode, mappedName;
nmFilePath = Project.Path + "NameMapping\\NameMapping.tcNM";
tcNM = Sys.OleObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0");
tcNM.async = false;
if (!tcNM.load(nmFilePath)) {
Log.Warning("Cannot load the " + nmFilePath + " NameMapping file");
return "";
items = tcNM.selectNodes("//Node[@name='logical nodes']");
if (items.length != 1) {
Log.Warning("An invalid NameMapping file");
return "";
logicalNodes = items.item(0);
aliasedNode = GetAliasNode(logicalNodes, alias);
if (aliasedNode == null) {
Log.Warning("The " + alias + " alias was not found");
return "";
items = aliasedNode.selectNodes("Prp[@name='owner' and @value]");
if (items.length != 1) {
Log.Warning("An invalid NameMapping file");
return "";
return GetMappedNameByID(logicalNodes, items.item(0).attributes.getNamedItem(
function GetMappedNameByID(tcNM, objectID)
var items, nmData, nmNode, mappedName;
items = tcNM.selectNodes("//Node[@name='data']");
if (items.length != 1) {
Log.Warning("An invalid NameMapping file");
return "";
nmData = items.item(0);
items = nmData.selectNodes("//Node[@name='" + objectID.toLowerCase() + "']");
if (items.length != 1) {
Log.Warning("An invalid NameMapping file");
return "";
nmNode = items.item(0);
mappedName = "";
do {
if (mappedName == "")
mappedName = nmNode.selectSingleNode("Prp[@name='name' and @value]").attributes.getNamedItem("value").nodeValue;
mappedName = nmNode.selectSingleNode("Prp[@name='name' and @value]").attributes.getNamedItem("value").nodeValue + "." + mappedName;
nmNode = nmNode.parentNode.parentNode;
} while(nmNode.attributes.getNamedItem("name").nodeValue != "data");
return "NameMapping." + mappedName;
function GetAliasNode(parentNode, path)
var dotPosition, currentItemName, lowPath, items, aliasedNode;
if (path == "")
return null;
dotPosition = path.indexOf(".");
if (dotPosition < 0) {
currentItemName = path;
lowPath = "";
else {
currentItemName = path.substr(0, dotPosition);
lowPath = path.substr(dotPosition + 1);
items = parentNode.selectNodes("Prp[@name='name' and @value='" + currentItemName + "']");
if (items.length > 0) {
if (lowPath == "")
return parentNode;
items = parentNode.selectNodes("Node[@name]");
for(i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
aliasedNode = GetAliasNode(items.item(i), lowPath);
if (aliasedNode != null)
return aliasedNode;
return null;
The following code was posted by Automated's Support a long time ago when there was no WaitAliasedChild method in the Aliases object.
The code may not work now, but maybe it might inspire you with some ideas...
The following script gets an object by its full name from the Aliases tree. I hope you will find the code useful:
function Test()
var obj;
obj = WaitAliasedObject("Aliases.Sys.MainEdit", 5000);
if (!obj.Exists)
Log.Error("Object was not found");
function WaitAliasedObject(alias, timeout)
var mappedName;
mappedName = GetMappedNameByAlias(alias);
if (mappedName == "") {
Log.Warning("A mapped name for the " + alias + " was not found");
return Utils.CreateStubObject();
return WaitObjectByMappedPath(Utils.CreateStubObject(), mappedName, timeout);
function WaitObjectByMappedPath(parentObj, path, timeout)
var dotPosition, currentItemName, lowPath, startTime, childObj, newTimeout;
if (path == "")
return Utils.CreateStubObject();
dotPosition = path.indexOf(".");
if (dotPosition < 0) {
currentItemName = path;
lowPath = "";
else {
currentItemName = path.substr(0, dotPosition);
lowPath = path.substr(dotPosition + 1);
startTime = Win32API.GetTickCount();
if (!parentObj.Exists) {
dotPosition = lowPath.indexOf(".");
if (dotPosition < 0)
return Utils.CreateStubObject();
else {
currentItemName = currentItemName + "." + lowPath.substr(0, dotPosition);
lowPath = lowPath.substr(dotPosition + 1);
childObj = eval(currentItemName);
childObj = parentObj.WaitNamedChild(currentItemName, timeout);
if (!childObj.Exists)
return Utils.CreateStubObject();
if (lowPath == "")
return childObj;
else {
newTimeout = timeout - (Win32API.GetTickCount() - startTime);
if (newTimeout < 0)
return Utils.CreateStubObject();
return WaitObjectByMappedPath(childObj, lowPath, timeout);
function GetMappedNameByAlias(alias)
var i, tcNM, nmFilePath, items, logicalNodes, aliasedNode, mappedNode, mappedName;
nmFilePath = Project.Path + "NameMapping\\NameMapping.tcNM";
tcNM = Sys.OleObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0");
tcNM.async = false;
if (!tcNM.load(nmFilePath)) {
Log.Warning("Cannot load the " + nmFilePath + " NameMapping file");
return "";
items = tcNM.selectNodes("//Node[@name='logical nodes']");
if (items.length != 1) {
Log.Warning("An invalid NameMapping file");
return "";
logicalNodes = items.item(0);
aliasedNode = GetAliasNode(logicalNodes, alias);
if (aliasedNode == null) {
Log.Warning("The " + alias + " alias was not found");
return "";
items = aliasedNode.selectNodes("Prp[@name='owner' and @value]");
if (items.length != 1) {
Log.Warning("An invalid NameMapping file");
return "";
return GetMappedNameByID(logicalNodes, items.item(0).attributes.getNamedItem(
function GetMappedNameByID(tcNM, objectID)
var items, nmData, nmNode, mappedName;
items = tcNM.selectNodes("//Node[@name='data']");
if (items.length != 1) {
Log.Warning("An invalid NameMapping file");
return "";
nmData = items.item(0);
items = nmData.selectNodes("//Node[@name='" + objectID.toLowerCase() + "']");
if (items.length != 1) {
Log.Warning("An invalid NameMapping file");
return "";
nmNode = items.item(0);
mappedName = "";
do {
if (mappedName == "")
mappedName = nmNode.selectSingleNode("Prp[@name='name' and @value]").attributes.getNamedItem("value").nodeValue;
mappedName = nmNode.selectSingleNode("Prp[@name='name' and @value]").attributes.getNamedItem("value").nodeValue + "." + mappedName;
nmNode = nmNode.parentNode.parentNode;
} while(nmNode.attributes.getNamedItem("name").nodeValue != "data");
return "NameMapping." + mappedName;
function GetAliasNode(parentNode, path)
var dotPosition, currentItemName, lowPath, items, aliasedNode;
if (path == "")
return null;
dotPosition = path.indexOf(".");
if (dotPosition < 0) {
currentItemName = path;
lowPath = "";
else {
currentItemName = path.substr(0, dotPosition);
lowPath = path.substr(dotPosition + 1);
items = parentNode.selectNodes("Prp[@name='name' and @value='" + currentItemName + "']");
if (items.length > 0) {
if (lowPath == "")
return parentNode;
items = parentNode.selectNodes("Node[@name]");
for(i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
aliasedNode = GetAliasNode(items.item(i), lowPath);
if (aliasedNode != null)
return aliasedNode;
return null;
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