Forum Discussion

nedbacan's avatar
Frequent Contributor
5 years ago

Find a specific file when the folder get created during run time.

Please need help, I am testing this web application that creates a dynamic folder every time an image is displayed within the software, Here are my test steps. 1) select the customer. 2) select the...
  • Marsha_R's avatar
    5 years ago

    first you look for the period in the file name

    var MyPeriodLocation= aqString.Find(MyImageNumber,".",0)


    now you get the first part of the file name, up to the period

    var NoMoreJPG= aqString.Substring(MyImageNumber,0,MyPeriodLocation)


    so your folder name is 

    MyFolderName = "C:\Storage\cache\" + NoMoreJPG


    Here's a good reference for operations that you can do with strings.  When you get more experience with it, you can combine some of the steps but it's good to do them one step at a time if you aren't sure of the answers.  Sometimes I will also add a log message after each step to print out the answer and make sure it's doing what I meant it to do.


  • nedbacan's avatar
    5 years ago

    Great, I was able to get the filename without the file extension.  Kudos to you !!!!


    Thank you very much. 


  • AlexKaras's avatar
    5 years ago



    MyFolderName = "C:/Storage/octCache/" + NoMoreJPG;


    var MyFolderName = "C:\\Storage\\octCache\\" + NoMoreJPG;

    Does it help?


    P.S. BTW, your initial code works fine for me using JScript. Is your code on JScript or JavaScript?


  • AlexKaras's avatar
    5 years ago



    I need to verify imagesnap.jpg exist within the folder MyFolderName.

    Use aqFile.Exists() method.


  • AlexKaras's avatar
    5 years ago



    The folder name will be different on every run so the pathname cannot be hardcoded.

    Make it dynamic. Something like this:

    var MyFolderName = "C:\\Storage\\octCache\\" + NoMoreJPG + "\\";

    var FileFullPath = MyFolderName + "imagesnap.jpg";

    if (aqFile.Exists(FileFullPath))




  • nedbacan's avatar
    5 years ago

    Thank you !!