Expand and Collapse Group items
Hello Community members,
Good evening every body, I have a question regarding the Expandgroup and CollapseGroup items.
Actually when I try to use the method CollapseGroup it collapses the group but I don't want that, Instead it has to just click on the group and do the functionality.
In my application, when I click on the group with mouse it doesn't collapse. so I have to test this functionality
here is my rough code
barItem.CollapseGroup('File menu')
groupCount = barItem.GetVisibleGroupCount()
if group_count < 3:
group_count = barItem.GetVisibleGroupCount()
if :
can any one please suggest me regarding this issue ? or please guide me with some info so that I can refer to the methods or topics which can solve the issue.
Thank you
With BestRegards
SivaKartheek Sreeram