Execute a group of tests in Network Suite in series
In a Master Network Suite, I can have a task that can run one task on a remote computer. I am unable to assign multiple tasks to the same Job, as they would try to executed on the same Slave machine at the same time.
What I am trying to accomplish is something along the lines of creating a group of tasks to execute on the remote machine (much like making a new group in a project, but only calling that specific group from Network Suite)
In summary, I would click run on Network Suite and it would execute with the following structure:
Network Suite
Task1, run on PC A
run script 1
run script 2
run script 3
run script 4
Task2, run on PC B
run script 5
run script 6
run script 7
where Task is running a group of files found in a different project suite.
Thank you for your time!
I did something along those lines,
I made a helper called Run()
function Run(){
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
Log.AppendFolder("Folder 1");
}and I run the tests by calling Run(test1,test2,test3) ...
Thank you for the help!