Forum Discussion

Gautam's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

Looping series of test step using groovy



I am trying to loop series of test steps using groovy scripting. I am using context.getTestRunner().gotoStepByName('HTTPREQUEST') but not much success. The HTTPRequest is looped only once and i am getting the same request and response for the number of times i put the loop.






Script is not triggering the Request step n number of times but only once and last.


Please suggest solution!!



Gautam S


  • Hi Gautam,


    Your steps look good e.g. I thought I undertood what you are looking to do... but I can't understand why you need the for loop in your loop step?


    I might be missing something, but I think all you need to do is check that the currentCount < maxCount if so loop? e.g. no need for for loop, but something like 


    if (currentCount < maxCount) testRunner.gotoStepByN


    (you'll maybe have to adjust for your variable names)


    Sorry if I missed something,




  • Could not stop asking why currentCount is being read from a property while it can be start from either 1 or 0?

    And do not need to increment currentCount inside of for as an explicit statement, instead you could do something like one of the below:

    for (int currentCount=0;currentCount < maxCount; currentCount++) {
         //do the stuff here




    for (int currentCount=1;currentCount <= maxCount; currentCount++) {
         //do the stuff here


    If the above are confusing whether to continue till < or <= or star with 0 or 1, then below is good and groovified too:


    (0..maxCount).each {
           //do the stuff


    If you are in need with index, then here is your fried:



    (0..maxCount).eachWithIndex { index ->
           //do the stuff, and use index where ever it is needed


    So any of the above methods will automatically loop thru the defined number of times (maxCount)

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    Could not stop asking why currentCount is being read from a property while it can be start from either 1 or 0?

    And do not need to increment currentCount inside of for as an explicit statement, instead you could do something like one of the below:

    for (int currentCount=0;currentCount < maxCount; currentCount++) {
         //do the stuff here




    for (int currentCount=1;currentCount <= maxCount; currentCount++) {
         //do the stuff here


    If the above are confusing whether to continue till < or <= or star with 0 or 1, then below is good and groovified too:


    (0..maxCount).each {
           //do the stuff


    If you are in need with index, then here is your fried:



    (0..maxCount).eachWithIndex { index ->
           //do the stuff, and use index where ever it is needed


    So any of the above methods will automatically loop thru the defined number of times (maxCount)

    • Gautam's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi Rupert and Rao,


      Thanks for your replies.

      @Rupert, yes there was some issue in the currentCount variable as i read it from property it was a string and not integer, so the loop was unsuccessful.

      @Rao, i am using the value currentCount to create report in excel and this currentCount is test case number Many test steps depends on this variable so i am trying to get it read from a property. And it is working for my framework


      I was able to troubleshoot the issue and thanks again for your help.


      Kudos to both of you!!


      Thanks & Regards,


      • rupert_anderson's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        Hi Gautam,


        You're welcome! Well done solving the issue, team work! :-)




  • rupert_anderson's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi Gautam,


    Your steps look good e.g. I thought I undertood what you are looking to do... but I can't understand why you need the for loop in your loop step?


    I might be missing something, but I think all you need to do is check that the currentCount < maxCount if so loop? e.g. no need for for loop, but something like 


    if (currentCount < maxCount) testRunner.gotoStepByN


    (you'll maybe have to adjust for your variable names)


    Sorry if I missed something,


