Forum Discussion

altus_nel's avatar
11 years ago

Enabling WiFi on Android devices

Hi there, TC very nicely allows you to either disable / enable to the the WiFi connection of the device.  Now, disbabling the connections (Mobile.Device().Connections.WiFiEnabled = false...
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    11 years ago
    Hi Altus,


    Our QA team didn't face this error when testing the product. 


    Could you please follow the steps below to help them better understand what is going on on your device?


    1. Run Command Prompt on your computer.


    2. Navigate to the "<Android SDK>\Platform-tools\" folder. To do this, type:

    cd <your_drive_letter>:\<path_to_the_Android SDK>\Platform-tools\


    3. Execute the following command with Android Debugging Bridge:

    adb shell logcat -c


    4. Launch your test in TestComplete and reproduce the issue.


    5. Execute the following command with Android Debugging Bridge to generate the report:

    adb shell logcat -d > dump.txt


    The "dump.txt" file will be created on your machine where the "adb.exe" executable file is located.


    6. Send the generated file to our Support team.


    Thanks in advance.