Forum Discussion

nimishbhuta's avatar
Frequent Contributor
7 years ago

Enable and Disable TestComplete logs



Is there any way to disable the steps in TestComplete logs and then enable it? Something in UFT, it has rfenableALL and use rfDisableAll





  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Nimish,


    > Is there any way to disable the steps in TestComplete logs and then enable it?

    Log.Enabled ?

    • nimishbhuta's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Hello All, 


      The lock and unlock events works only for the events which are an operation.For ex: click on the button, enter the value in the text box. 


      But I want to disable the default error generated by TestComplete after specific code line and then  enable in the next line. 





      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        Hi Nimish,


        As it was already suggested:

        Dim bLogState

        bLogState = Log.Enabled

        Log.Enabled = False

        <specific code line>

        Log.Enabled = bLogState


        OnLogError event handler can also be used to block some specific error to be posted into test log.

        However, I would recommend to figure out what is causing the error to be posted to the log and how test code can be changed so that the error is not generated at all.