Forum Discussion

Alleyn's avatar
2 years ago

Edge re-launching when it should be navigating to a url

Hoping someone can help! I'm creating a scenario to

1) Launch Edge as a Specific User - RunAs

2) Access a url which only that Specific User can access


So 1) is straight forward and Edge launches as expected with the user but when 2) runs it also launches Edge but this time not as the specific user and the test fails.

Item: Navigate

Operation: Edge

Value : url to go to

When recording 2) Edge was already launched and I typed in the url - why during playback is Edge re-launched by 2) and how do I resolve it?



  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    You need to have a statement that checks whether the browser exists, and if it doesn't, then launch it.

    • Alleyn's avatar

      Hi - thanks for the response. However, the issue isn't that it doesn't launch, the problem is that it launches twice - second time via Navigate which doesn't make sense as all TC should be doing with that commence is navigate - and not launch Edge again.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Are you able to provide a screenshot of your keyword test?