Forum Discussion
16 years agoNew Contributor
Here is a set of basic web page operations that work at the native level. I am just posting the clickLink and changeTextBox function that I have written as well as the supporting functions. These are written in jScript and work in Firefox and IE. You may want to enhance/remove/change how I get my browser processes.
Using the supporting functions you can write other page operations such as changing a textbox or whatever. I've found that I had to write functions at the native level because of the number of controls on the web pages I have been testing just takes TC too long and causes IE to consume too much memory (silly IE) when using TC's builtin functions.
function clickLink(linkText)
var linkObject;
var window = getBrowserWindow();
var page = window.Page("*");
var linkObj = getElement("A","innerText",linkText);
if(linkObj != null){
clickObj(page, linkObj);
Log.Event("Found and Clicked a link with the text of: '" + linkText + "'");
else {
Log.Error("I could not find a link with the text of: '" + linkText + "'");
function changeTextbox(textboxName, text)
var inputObject;
var window = getBrowserWindow();
var page = window.Page("*");
//get the textbox by name.
var inputObject = getElement("INPUT","name",textboxName)
/*Only try to modify the texdtbox if the textbox was returned
if it was not returned, then log an error. */
if(inputObject != null){
//set the Textbox value to text
try {
catch (exception){
Log.Event("Changed Textbox '" + textboxName + "' to '" + text + "'")
else {
Log.Error("Could not find an INPUT named '"+textboxName+ "'")
function getBrowserType()
var process, window;
process = Sys.WaitProcess("iexplore", 500);
if (process.Exists){
window = process.Window("IEFrame", "*");
if (window.WaitWindow("Shell DocObject View").Exists)
return "IE6";
if (window.WaitWindow("TabWindowClass").Exists)
return "IE7";
return "";
process = Sys.WaitProcess("firefox", 500);
if (process.Exists){
return "FireFox";
return "";
function getBrowserWindow()
var browserName;
browserName = getBrowserType();
case "IE6":
return Sys.Process("IEXPLORE").Window("IEFrame", "*", 1).Window("Shell DocObject View", "", 1).Window("Internet Explorer_Server", "", 1);
case "IE7":
return Sys.Process("iexplore").Window("IEFrame", "*", 1).Window("TabWindowClass","*", 1).Window("Shell DocObject View", "", 1).Window("Internet Explorer_Server","", 1);
case "FireFox":
return Sys.Process("firefox").Window("MozillaUIWindowClass", "*", 1).Window("MozillaWindowClass","", 1).Window("MozillaWindowClass", "", 3).Window("MozillaWindowClass", "",1).Window("MozillaContentWindowClass", "", 1).Window("MozillaWindowClass","", 1);
case "":
return Utils.CreateStubObject();
function getElement(itemTag, itemAttribute, itemText, itemNumber)
var i = 0;
var i2 = 0;
var foundIt = false;
var window = getBrowserWindow();
var page = window.Page("*");
var regx = new RegExp(itemText);
var noFound = 0;
var frames = window.document.frames.length
if (itemNumber == undefined){
itemNumber = 1;
//first try the main document body
var objA = window.document.body.getElementsByTagName(itemTag);
//loop through each item returned stopping at the specified itemNumber.
while(i<objA.length && (foundIt==false)){
if (regx.exec(trim(objA.getAttribute(itemAttribute).replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig," ")))){
if (noFound == itemNumber){
foundIt = true;
if (!foundIt){
i=0; //reset the item iterator
while(i2<frames && (foundIt == false)){
//loop through each frame until you find the item or are out of frames.
var objA = window.document.frames[i2].document.getElementsByTagName(itemTag);
//loop through each item returned
while(i<objA.length && (foundIt==false)){
if (regx.exec(trim(objA.getAttribute(itemAttribute)))){
foundIt = true;
return objA;
else {
return null;
function trim(value)
// Removes leading and ending whitespaces
return ""
else {
return LTrim(RTrim(value));
function LTrim(value)
//Removes leading whitespaces
var re = /\s*((\S+\s*)*)/;
return value.replace(re, "$1");
function RTrim(value)
// Removes ending whitespaces
var re = /((\s*\S+)*)\s*/;
return value.replace(re, "$1");
function clickObj(page, itemObj)
//Clicks on the center of the object that was passed in.
var objRect = itemObj.getBoundingClientRect()
var x = page.ScreenLeft + objRect.left + (objRect.right - objRect.left)/2
var y = page.ScreenTop + + (objRect.bottom -
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