Forum Discussion

PeterMitcham's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

Dialog appears that halts continuation of test code



I have a syncfusion grid where i am exporting its contents via using the export internal method. When calling this method a seperate modal dialog appears with a few options.


At this point the test hangs and will not continue until it times out, and an error is generated.


Is there a way around the method hanging testcomplete like a /nowait option?


Many thanks


Peter Mitcham

  • Colin_McCrae's avatar
    10 years ago

    A drag and drop isn't ideal. But it shouldn't be too bad to implement?


    But at least you have a few options which all sound better than it hanging completely.


    I knw what you mean about the grids. I think I've found 3 or 4 different versions of DB grid in use in the Delphi app I'm working on. Mostly pretty standard, but they have added a few extras here and there. Same with the TreeView objects. They seem to like messing about with those as well.


    Keeps life interesting I guess!

13 Replies

  • m_essaid's avatar
    Valued Contributor


    you should use an application of  WaitAliasChild() that is in the samples of TestComplete.

    it waits the child of an object for a specific time, 

    could you tell me what kind of script did you choose and could you paste the mapped name of any child of the window (button,...)

    • PeterMitcham's avatar
      Occasional Contributor



      That suggestion would work if the line of code that called the internal method had been executed and testcomplete moved onto the next line.


      The line I am running is "Call Aliases.gridData.export"


      The problem here is that the once line is run a dialog appears and testcomplete hangs. TestComplete will not execute any further lines of code until the dialog has been closed. I tried to stop the script with the dialog open and testcomplete would not stop it until i manually closed the dialog.


      Many thanks


      Peter Mitcham



      • m_essaid's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        try to do the following :

        - run your tested app as normaly and make the dialog appears.

        - use the Object Spy to get the name of the "ok" button (or "close" or any button similar)

        - map the name of this button

        - then use the mapped name : wait to the child object "button" to wait the dialog for ten ou more seconds and then click to the close button.


        type in the help "WaitAliasChild"


        I used the example in this help to create a function that need the following parameters :


        WaitAliasChildFunction(Object: AliasObj, Child: string, Time: integer)

    • rrivest's avatar

      I had a similar issue with script completly freezing because of a Browser security dialog that was modal...


      The Runner method helped me catch that dialog and dispose of it properly so script could continue...


      // Checks whether the specified URL is valid

      function VerifyWebObject(link, expectedObjectData)


      var myProcess = Sys["FindChild"]('ProcessName','TestExecute',1);

      if (!myProcess["Exists"])

      var myProcess = Sys["FindChild"]('ProcessName','TestComplete',1);

      var ellapsed = HISUtils["StopWatch"];



      try {

      // Do something

      var httpObj = Sys["OleObject"]("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0");

      httpObj["open"]("GET", link, false);

      var w = Runner["CallObjectMethodAsync"](httpObj,"send");



      catch (e) {

      // Posts an exception message to the test log


      return false;




      while (httpObj["readyState"] != 4) {

      var thisWindow = myProcess["WaitWindow"]("#32770", "*", 1,100);

      if (thisWindow["Exists"]) {

      Log["AppendFolder"]("Capture de popup");

      var thisImage = thisWindow["Picture"]();

      Log["Picture"](thisImage,"Screen capture", "Ready State = 1");

      var thisBtn = thisWindow["FindChild"]('Name','["Window"]("Button", "*Oui", 2)',5);

      if (thisBtn["Exists"] == false) // Environnement anglais

      var thisBtn = thisWindow["FindChild"]('Name','["Window"]("Button", "*Yes", 2)',5);


      Delay(500); // Pour donner le temps de poursuivre le chargement après la fermeture du popup.






      try {

      // Do something

      var content = httpObj["responseText"];


      catch (e) {

      // Posts an exception message to the test log


      return false;



      switch (httpObj["status"])


      case 200:

      if ( content != expectedObjectData)


      Log["Message"]("Temps réponse : "+ellapsed["ToString"]());

      Log["Message"]("Le lien " + link + " est valide", aqString["SubString"](httpObj["responseText"],1,200));

      return true;



      case 302:

      if (content != expectedObjectData)


      Log["Message"]("Temps réponse : "+ellapsed["ToString"]());

      Log["Message"]("Le lien " + link + " est valide", aqString["SubString"](httpObj["responseText"],1,200));

      return true;




      Log["Message"]("Temps réponse : "+ellapsed["ToString"]());

      Log["Warning"]("Le lien " + link + " est invalide et retourne un status: " + httpObj["status"], httpObj["responseText"]);

      return false;


      return true;
