Forum Discussion

Egg's avatar
Frequent Contributor
4 years ago

DDL- Line by line

Hello, I want to edit my information repeatably using Data Driven Loop. 

I wanna add my customer's State information using Data Driven Loop. and I will using Data generator at the State information field. 

So, I wonder how i change the column when i using Data Driven Loop. 




I have 3 contacts. and that consist of 3 columns 

contact 1

contact 2 

contact 3


and I want to add contac 1's State information . 

and then go to the contact 2. and contact2's State information. 

and then go to the contact 3. and contact3's State information. 

I wanna this action's using Data Driven Loop. 


  • Take a look at the example here


    What we usually do is put one customer on each row and have a column for each piece of data


    contact number       State information    other information

    1                                 CA                              cake

    2                                 NY                              ice cream

    3                                 OR                              cookies


    The loop will do one row at a time and you can access any of the columns.  

    • Egg's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      I wanna ask something differently.


      I have 3 customer's information on the web page .

      and that page composed like below.


         Customer name         Gender       Email

      1. Aperson                      F     
      2. Bperson                     M     
      3. CPerson                      F      



      and customer name has a link. So when I click that customer name, then I can read more customer's information. 


      then, at that. All I wanna do is 

      Orderly Click Aperson, Bperson, and Cperson. and register same company's name. because those 3 people
      working at the same company.


      Even if not DDL, Please teach me that can be possible methods. 

      • Marsha_R's avatar

        If everyone in your data list has the same company, then you could put the company name in a variable and use it when needed.  If some people might have a different company, then I would make another column in the table for company and read it from there.