DB Reset script-to run before tests can be executed
Please could you advise me on how I overcome this issue.
I have a PowerShell script that I need to incorporate as part of my keyword tests in order to have the DB reset before I can run my tests.
The issue I have is that I have manually recoded the steps to run this test but if i add it into my execution plan, the script has not finish running and the 1st test case starts running which then overlap's with the PowerShell script.
how do I overcome this were I need the script to complete running first before the 1st test case starts running?
also, which is the best way to set this powershell script and get it into the keyword test to function correctly. I have run through the documentation as best as can but because I am not technical I need some guidance
This is the power shell script
invoke-command -computer -filepath "C:\SQLAUTOMATION\RevertToSnapshot.ps1"
start-process "C:\SQLAUTOMATION\SQLCompare\0 - FullProcess.bat"