Forum Discussion

marinb's avatar
8 years ago

ctrl+click on commented function name jumps to function...not anymore in 12.30?


in our script units, we tend to have a commented index at the top of the file where we list all functions with a short one-line help you can use:

List of functions: 
- doSomething                          = this does something
- doAnotherThing                     = this does another thing



in 12.20, you could ctrl+click on doSomething to jump to that function. In 12.30, this does not work anymore (for commented out function names, not in regular code). Was this intentional or a bug?


I know you can use the combo-box with all the functionsin the script unit, but ctrl+click happened to be very convenient for us because our index was better searchable (not just alphabetic)


  • marinb's avatar
    8 years ago

    I have created a bug report. Thanks for the link.

3 Replies

    • marinb's avatar

      I have created a bug report. Thanks for the link.

  • jkrolczy's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    Thanks for this post.


    I was just talking about this issue with my SmartBear sales rep. yesterday.


    That was a great function to help navigate to functions used in my case of a function index at

    top of a code module.


    Will watch this post to see what transpires.