Forum Discussion

jr348's avatar
4 years ago

Creating a secondary log

Does anyone know if it is possible to create a secondary log in addition to the one TestComplete uses by default?   So in tests we could write to this message related to some application parameters...
  • AlexKaras's avatar
    4 years ago



    Only one built-in log is possible in TestComplete.

    You may consider these options:

    a) Write to your own custom log. This can be implemented, for example, within OnLogMessage, OnLogError and so on handlers;

    b) Create a folder within test log (Log.CreateFolder) and write to it (copies) of the messages that you need. The problem here is that it is not possible to export/save just this folder but not the whole log, so you will have to find out a workaround that will work for you (learn relevant people to pay attention to just this folder; truncate everything but this folder from the saved log; something else).