Forum Discussion

jpgarro's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Comparaison beetween Files

Hi all,

My Problem is the following one.

I use File Checkpoint and it's said that tehre is an error. But the error seems to be a carraige return. But when I compare file using kdiff3 there is no error. I don't understand why the file checkpoint said that there is an error.

See attached fiel below.

If someone can help me.

  • jpgarro's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi. Sorry for my late response. So Instead using the tool provided in testcomplete, i used kdiff3 with command line and it's works perfectly. So thanks for your help.
  • jpgarro's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I have compare the file in hexa and there is no differences. For me the problem is due to the tool in testcomplete which compare the two files.
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Garros,


    File Checkpoints compare the files strictly byte-by-byte. According to your screenshot, the first file has a new line after 'Ident1=0, Ident2=0' that adds '\r\n' to it. However, the second file doesn't have the line. So, that's expected that the comparison fails. If you cannot control the format of files, you may consider using a third-party utility for comparison. Please read more about the Files diff utility option in the "Stores Options Dialog" article.