closing chrome using sys.waitbrowser, close and/or terminate
Is there something wrong with the following code?
if (Sys.WaitBrowser("chrome").Exists)
Log.Message("inside loop");
objBrowser = Sys.Browser("chrome");
if (Sys.WaitBrowser("chrome").Exists)
Log.Message("close didn't work - terminating chrome browser");
while (Sys.WaitBrowser("chrome").Exists);
I have this in my onstarttestcase event handler to ensure that there are no instances of chrome running in the system before i launch chrome for the purposes of my test case. Task Manager shows three copies are running
and, even though i can see the log message (from the script above) appear in the results, it does nothing to close or terminate those three copies. just to satisfy my curiosity, i copied, pasted and ran the following script from the smartbear support website in order to list all the processes currently running
function TestProc()
var p, i, s;
for (i = 0; i < Sys.ChildCount; i++)
p = Sys.Child(i);
s = "Process Name: " + "\r\n" + p.ProcessName + "\r\n" +
"\r\n" + "Process Path: " + "\r\n" + p.Path;
Log.Message(p.Name, s);
and down in the list, sure enough, are at least two of the three instances of chrome
the only thing i can think of is that the sample piece of code is looking for processes while mine is utilizing the waitbrowser method but since we're talking about Chrome, shouldn't that work?
Here's a simple version, where browser is either "chrome" or "edge"
// Close browser while (Sys.WaitBrowser(browser).Exists) { Sys.WaitBrowser(browser).Close(); }