Forum Discussion

tomh_1's avatar
9 years ago

ClickItem Intermittently Fails

Sometimes ClickItem will click a dropdown object to expand the list and then fail with error "There was an attempt to perform an action at a point, which is beyond the screen."


Screen captures show the drop down list expanded. The objects we are accessing are all simple HTML select objects.
It will succeed with the same object better than 90% of the time, but the failures still represent a disruptive number of errors in our build pipeline.

We are currently running Test Execute 11.31, but we saw this issue in 10.3 as well.

Has anyone else seen this issue? Any ideas on resolving it?


Thank you.


  • YuriPeshekhonov's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)



    I guess this behavior is related to your specific website. Please try reproducing it with other websites, which contain the combobox controls. If this issue occurs only with your website, feel free to contact a support case. However, please keep in mind that most probably we will need access to your web page. 


    As a workaround, please try using the approaches, which are described in the "Selecting Combo Box Items" article. I believe the second approach should work pretty stably. 

    • TimoF's avatar
      Occasional Contributor



      I have the same problem the moment I got a new OS (Win10).

      With Win7 the ClickItem() operation on Select controls worked 100% of the time.

      After the OS update the ClickItem() operation on Select controls fails frequently.


      With Win10 and IE11 the opening of the select-dropdown looks differently compared to older OS and IE11.

      If the desired item is not in the visble part of the dropdown TC or TE throws the error message 

      There was an attempt to perform an action at a point, which is beyond the screen.



      Windows 10 Pro Version 1709

      TestComplete Version 12.42.3048.7

      Internet Explorer 11.192.16299.0


      Has someone a solution for this problem?





      • tomh_1's avatar

        Hi Timo,

        We could not replicate this issue on demand, so worked around it by creating our own dropdown selection function.

        We iterate through the list to find the desired item relative to the current position and use up/dwn arrow keys to select it.

        We've had no associated errors since.

        Let me know if you are interested in code specifics.


        Hope this helps.


  • Hi,


    I had the same issue and contacted support. Smartbear was able to provide me with a patch which solved the problem just fine. Drawback is it has a negative effect on Internet Explorer's memory consumption, which they want to solve before including it in a new TC version. I close the browser after each test run and open it again before the next, that way the higtened memory consumption has little to no impact on my test experience.


    The patch I use is for TC version 12.42.


    I recommend you to contact support, I think there is a good chance your issue is the same I had and in that case the patch to solve it would already be waiting for you..




  • TimoF's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Thank you for your answers!


    I will contact the support. I have already problems with memory consumption of internet explorer. Hopefully the patch will not make things worse.


