Check if buttom hides a TcxTreeList column
I am trying to check wether a specific button successfully hides a specific column "MyColumn" in a grid. I am performing a keyword test and I do not want to make it screenshot based.
I have a path, lets say Aliases.MyProcess.catalogue
This has several properties, for example:
ClassName = TcxTreeList
ObjectType = VCLObject
wColumn, with wColumn(0) = "MyColumn" and wColumn(1) = "DontCareAbout" and "wColumn(2) = "DontCareAbout2" ..
wRowCount = 3
Now I want to check wether a button hides "MyColumn".
First I assumed that I could access that specific column and check its .visible property using a Property Checkpoint, but either this is not an option here or I am using it wrong. I cannot access the that column specificly.
The desired architecture of my test looks as follows:
Set button to checked state
Property Checkpoint: get MyColumn.visible, expecting it to be True
set button to unchecked state
Property Checkpoint: get MyColumn.visible, expecting it to be False
Can someone help?