Forum Discussion

zdanov's avatar
10 years ago

Cannot load the "RichEd20.DLL" DLL into memory


quite often during my scripts execution, during playback, my system throws the following exception error: Cannot load the "RichEd20.DLL" DLL into memory which would, naturally, cause the test to fail. This happens after several scripts have been running. If I close my tested app and reopen it again, and run the same script again, this time it will pass, and will not throw the exception at the step where it previously did. 


I was just wondering if anyone has experienced this type of error while runnning scripts with Test Complete.




  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Serge,


    Do you know what application is the source of this error (TestComplete or your tested application or some third-party one)?

    You may try to use the Report Generator utility provided with TestComplete (see TestComplete's help file for more information about this utility) and then contact either your developers or SmartBear's Support (via form to get more assistance.

    • zdanov's avatar

      Hi Alex, 

      Thank you for your reply. I don't think that the source of error is test complete. My guess would be that it is my windows based app being tested. I think it has something to do with the memory load after some time, but it always happens randomly, at different modules being tested, so it is not that easy to reproduce. I will take a look at that Report Generator for more details.

      I'm not sure why woudl the memory load be an issue; my server hosting test complete and our app was created specifially for automated testing, and no other applications or major processes are running on that box. The box has 6GB of RAM; I think that's pretty :)


      Again, thanks for your help! 



      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        Hi Serge,


        > The box has 6GB of RAM; I think that's pretty

        If there is a memory leak then any amount of RAM can be successfully consumed after some time... :)


        According to your description of the problem, Report Generator tool may be a way to go.

        However, you may also consider AQtime tool ( that can detect memory leaks, request its trial and try it first. If you are lucky and the memory leak exists, than there is a chance that you will find it quickly without a lot of additional efforts.

        If AQtime cannot help you, than you may try Report Generator. Maybe you will need to start two instances of it, one than will monitor TestComplete and another one that will monitor your tested application.

        As you are saying that the problem is not easily reprodusible... It is my guess that the "Cannot load..." window is a modal one and thus is detected by TestComplete as the unexpected window. So you may create a handler for the OnUnexpectedWindow event and check within it if this "Cannot load..." window is displayed. If it is, you can pause test execution (e.g. by opening a simple MsgBox window that will pause the test until closed) and proceed with Report Generator to create memory dumps.