Forum Discussion

VinnyL's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Can you export/import Execution plans

Myself and another tester use testcomplete and use tortoise svn to manage our automated tests. This is currently working fine for us, however the execution plans are not committed and updated, so if we want to run a regression we both would need to create the exact same execution plan. Is there a way we can share the execution plan or even export one and import it back in?

  • Since you're already using a source control system, just update and commit your execution plan to the shared repository. The Execution Plan is stored in your project suite's .mds file as testItems - so if you are working on the same project you should be commiting all of your project suite files anyway [see here] AND [here]

2 Replies

  • Kitt's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    Since you're already using a source control system, just update and commit your execution plan to the shared repository. The Execution Plan is stored in your project suite's .mds file as testItems - so if you are working on the same project you should be commiting all of your project suite files anyway [see here] AND [here]

    • VinnyL's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thank you, so it was due to a conflict which we didn't see when we were committing, now that is fixed we can both see the execution plan and make changes to it.