Can I add Delay until Region Checkpoint is true
Hi Team,
I am currently trying to automate desktop application using TC v14.
Where in I am using region checkpoint to validate certain image to appear on one the control of the application.
but application takes some time to populate that image in the control but as soon as I execute script then it does not wait until that image is populated on the application control.
Basically I want execution to delay until that image appears on the application control. and once it appears then comes out of the delay loop.
Delay (1000);
} while (region.check appears on application control);
can someone please suggest any wayout, where I can introduce delay for Region checkpoint to appear and then move ahead.
tristaanogre is right.
Another solution is to use ImageRepository:
1) Create an image of this example "Test Executed: 01/10"
2) ImageRepository is a simple object so You can check it's Existing in if or while loop.
do { Obj.Keys("[PageDown]");
} while(!ImageRepository.ImgeSetName.ImageName.Exists(Sys.Desktop));Thank you so much Wamboo for providing above peice of code. it helped and now able to wait until the image appears on the desktop.
Thanks tristaanogre for your inputs as well. I contacted support to see if we can also get IQ in our license.
Cheers !!