Forum Discussion

han's avatar
15 years ago

Bug? Command prompt start with 7.52

Has anyone else problem to use the command prompt to start 7.52?

Using: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Automated QA\TestComplete 7\Bin\TestComplete.exe" "Project.pjs" /r /e in Task Scheduler

8 Replies

  • Hi,

    Specify the full path to your project suite in this command, not just the file name.

  • han's avatar
    Doing it - just made it shorter in this example - has been working in earlier releases.

    The Testcomplete starts and I get the playback indicator but then nothing.

    If I click the indicator - Windows reports "Testcomplete.exe is not responding"
  • Hi,

    What happens if you use the same command outside of Task Scheduler? Does the same problem occurs?

  • KayC's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I too am having problems with launching TestExecute from the Task Scheduler...

    I'm trying to get it to launch TE & run my Project suite at System Startup but i'm getting inconsistencies...

    I know that my command line works as I can force it to start from Task scheduler, but it doesn't always start when the system reboots...

    any ideas?

    many thanks in advance


    P.s. in your command line do you use /r /e  at the end,  if so make sure there are spaces inbetween eg...

    "C:\Program Files\Automated QA\TestExecute 7\Bin\TestExecute.exe"

    "D:\ProjectPath\Project.pjs" /r /e
  • Hi,

    Probably, your system is not loaded completely when TC is trying to start right after the rebooting. Anyway, it would help if you described the behavior you get in detail.

  • KayC's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    The command line in the task scheduler is set to run Test Execute,

    but when the system restarts following reboot there is no error message from Test Execute it just doesn't get launched.

    If I check the Task manager the Test execute process does not hasnt started...

    however tcrea is there...??

    Its a Vista Machine, how can I get it to wait until the system has fully rebooted??  if this is indeed the issue?

  • Hi,

    Since TE doesn't actually start, the problem is related to Task Scheduler. It doesn't launch TE for some reason on the system start. As for tcrea, it is launched in another way (via standard Windows mechanisms that allow launching applications on the Windows logon).

  • KayC's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    got it sussed obvious really...

    in task scheduler when you set it to trigger on system startup

    there are advanced settings that are all greyed out unless you tick a check box, you can delay task for however long you need...3 minutes did the trick!

    I think the label that says No additional settings required is a bit misleading but thats Microsoft for you!!

