Forum Discussion

nastester's avatar
Regular Contributor
6 months ago

Browser alert text showing as empty

TC is not recognizing the text in the browser alert.  It used to be able to. 

I am aware the TC documentation says it only supports up to version 121 of Edge/Chrome however I have almost always been ahead of the "supported version" and usually things still work. 

Is this truly related to browser version? Is anyone else experiencing this? Is there any workaround? 



TC: x64

Chrome: 123.0.6312.59

Edge: 122.0.2365.106


  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Oh, really?

    The problem of reliable support for Alert/Message/Confirm browser dialogs was a pain during almost all 2023 year. It looked like it was finally solved for latest TC versions... Apparently not, as per your message... :(


    • nastester's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      This appears to be an issue in the latest version of TC because I went back to 15.61 and it is working