Forum Discussion

bbklogin's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Branching in TFS


We use TFS for our source control, we would like to branch our code from current branch let’s call it QA(master) to a new branch called Phase_2. (Branching was done via TFS)

While we are working in Phase_2 and QA stays intact and runs daily, till after Phase_2 development is completed and we can merge those tests with QA branch.

While working in Phase 2 branch, files that are in QA branch are getting checked out. After looking around I discovered that within .pjs and .mds files binding is an absolute path when initial project was created in QA branch and when branched this value stayed the same.

Is there a way to have this fixed? I tried using the SAK as suggested for Visual Studio projects but was not successful; here is the SCC node from .pjs file


<Node name="scc">

       <Prp name="auxpath" type="S" value="http://tfs:8080/tfs/****|*****|****"/>

       <Prp name="localpath" type="S" value="."/>

       <Prp name="projectname" type="S" value="$/TAUT/QA/TestMerge"/>

       <Prp name="providername" type="S" value="Microsoft Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider"/>



In this line <Prp name="projectname" type="S" value="$/TAUT/QA/TestMerge"/> after branching, the value should read as "$/TAUT/Phase_2/TestMerge


Changing this value manually in .pjs and .mds file resolves the issue; however, it’s not really a feasible option when you have multiple projects and branches.

Also after merging to the parent branch, now bindings from the branch will overwrite the parent values.


Is there a better way of doing this or better setup to resolve this issue? Or from what I understand from TC documentation, only branching and merging scripts are suggested.




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