Forum Discussion

bknutson's avatar
2 years ago

Azure DevOps Integration Test Execute version that is launched.

When integrating with Azure DevOps using the TestComplete Test Adapter, you select the 'Preferred test runner' of either 'TestExecute' or 'TestComplete'.

Where would we specify whether the 32bit or 64bit version should be run?



Brad Knutson

  • bknutson's avatar
    2 years ago

    I was wondering if I could rename one of those executables to try and 'trick it out' but, have not attempted that yet.  I believe I have a 64bit ODBC query and setup that might work.  I will just push all the setup down to the agents and hope I don't run into a conflict.  If that doesn't work I will manipulate the agents more as Kitt suggested.

    Thanks everyone for the assistance.

14 Replies

    • bknutson's avatar

      Hi rraghvani,

      Yes, we have used those instructions to get things running and currently have tests running fine.    We are just not seeing where in the TestComplete Adapter we can tell it which bit version to launch. 

      We are adding some Oracle query functionality and getting errors referring to having different 'bit versions'.   We are not seeing how to specify which version to run in the adapter.
      Can we remove the 64bit version from our agents and then it will default to 32bit?   Or vice versa?

      The option 'Preferred test runner' allows the selection of 'TestExecute' or 'TestComplete' but, we are not seeing how we can specify what bit version to run or, how to force it to run 32 or 64 bit.



    • bknutson's avatar

      All of the agents have Windows 64 bit on them.  But, are you thinking that if the Agent is setup as x86, then when TestExecute is kicked off, it will run the 32 bit version?

      • Kitt's avatar
        Regular Contributor

        you should see what bitness is used in your vs test task log:

        or go to your agent pools in Azure and check the capabilities from there:


  • Kitt's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    So, you can force the runner to use either 32/64 (command line parameters, session creator, envt variable, agent config, etc). You can also tell which version the runner is using from the screenshots I provided - just open your own agent pool config in Azure DevOps (under Project Settings > Agent Pools).


    TestComplete x86 & TestComplete x64 can test both 32-bit and 64-bit applications, so maybe I'm not entirely sure what your goal is or how we can help clarify?

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    bknutson you mentioned "Oracle query functionality and getting errors" - how are you performing the query (SQL query?), are you using ODBC?

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    If you have a 64 bit operating system, you can run 32 bit applications. If you have a 32 bit application accessing a 32 bit database, then you need the correct ODBC driver. i.e. 32 bit.



    • bknutson's avatar

      Thanks rraghvani.  I think I was running into a 'mix' of database bit versions.  They have been converting things but, I don't think everything has been switched over yet.  However, I am able to get things working now with some 64bit ODBC so, hopefully I can just continue down that path.