Forum Discussion

msap's avatar
Frequent Contributor
7 years ago

avoids some of the records while running

any suggestions how to fix this,

while running the script it avoids some records and stops the loop even though I have set of records with dates.


var dateString = Grid.wValue(i, "Created Date");
if (aqString.Find(dateString, FormatStr, 0, false) != -1) {
Grid.ClickCell(i, "Created Date");
Form5.Click(105, 12);
//Log.Message(FormatStr + "FormatStr" + "' was found in string '" + "dateString")
var foundRow = i;
else Log.Message(" no date found")


  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    As you delete rows, the row count changes... and the index of each row changes.  So, let's say you have a date row at row 5 and another one at row 6.  So, you find the one at row 5... you delete it... now the one at row 6 is now row 5.  but you've already iterated through row 5 so whatever is in row 5 now gets skipped.  So, you are dealing with a grid that is changing length as you are looping through it.

    You will probably also get another error where you may try to access a row that no longer exists when you get to the end.


    So... instead of a for're going to need to do something entirely different.  You're going to need to do (again, pseudo-code) something like:

    var foundRow = Grid.FindRow('Created Date') //I think this code you already know how to use.
    while (foundRow != -1) { //Assuming foundRow returns -1 if it doesn't find something
        //Do your stuff where you click the cell, delete, etc.
        //repeat the findRow
        foundRow = Grid.FindRow('Created Date') 
    • msap's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Thansk Alot martin. I think thats what happening.can you please check with while loop: i am getting error: grid column index 112 is out of bounds


      var i=Grid.wRowCount-1;
      var Foundrow=Grid.FindRow(i,"Created date");
      var dateString = Grid.wValue(i, "Created Date");
      if (aqString.Find(dateString, FormatStr, 0, false) != -1) {
      Grid.ClickCell(i, "Created Date");
      Form5.Click(105, 12);

      Foundrow=Grid.FindRow(i,"Created Date")



      else log.Error(" no row Found")


      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        First parameter of FindRow is the Column indicator. So, you can't use "i" in the first parameter of FindRow.  


        You are going to need to write some VERY fancy code find the first instance of the desired date, reset the index of the loop, and repeat until all required dates are found.  I MIGHT be a for loop after all... but I'm thinking it might be a while loop.