Forum Discussion

Kateryna's avatar
12 years ago

Automatic tfs bug creation


Is it possible to automatically create bug in tfs at the time when error appeared in TestComplete during night build?

I will appreciate any help.

Thank you.
  • Interesting video, indeed.

    Thank you for reminding about programmatic creation of issues in issue-tracking systems - it worked fine for me when called from the Manual tests against AQdevTeam.
  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Kateryna,

    In general, yes, this is possible.

    For an example, you may have a look at the JiraSupport.tcx, OnTimeSupport.tcx and

    SPExtension.tcx script extensions that can be found in the <TestComplete 9>\Bin\Extensions\ScriptExtensions\ folder. These script extensions are used to post issues from TC Log into Jira, OnTime and SoftwarePlanner.

    Consult with your developers and/or Google ;) as for how to create a bug in TFS via its Web Service and implement this using the code from the mentioned script extensions as a sample.
  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Interesting video, indeed.

    Thank you for reminding about programmatic creation of issues in issue-tracking systems - it worked fine for me when called from the Manual tests against AQdevTeam.