Applying wait in BDD steps
Hi All,
I have a bdd structure like below:
When (....)
some actions like click etc
Then (...)
Assertion script method....
When (....)
some actions like click etc
And (....)
some other action
Then (...)
Assertion script method....
Now the problem is that I have to apply Delay after most assertion methods in Then because the scenarios run after one another and the script fail if the second When in the second scenario runs quickly after the first Then in the first scenario.
Is this the correct way to apply delay or there is a better alternative to deal with this issue?
Thanks very much.
Hi TestQA1
If the object can't be found it may be linked to the criteria in the name mapping or the values you have defined in the wait property.
The idea of the wait property is to wait until that property value equals the specified value or until a specified time limit elapses rather than a static wait time every time.
Typically this is linked to the Auto-wait time out which can be extended.
Alternatively you can add an explicit time limit just for that wait operation
For example
Aliases.browser.pageSignUpLoginForm.buttonLogIn.WaitProperty("enabled", "true", 20);
Delays are just a short term way of figuring out whether you need to add in wait times or not.