> generates it's own html structure.
Well... I assume that you are testing web application (web pages).
I also assume that you are dealing with plain html markup (without any ActiveX components, widgets, etc.). Is that correct?
If the above is correct, then TestComplete should be able to control those web pages.
I do not remember to work with web pages created with Angular Material, but the regular Angular (as well as React) is well known in the automation world for its extremely poor symantic markup of the page which results in extremely difficult and expensive automation. Regardless of the tool been used.
> Test Complete (14.10,14.30) not identifying those custom classes
Could you clarify this? What was your exact expectation? Can you provide an example of the page markup with your comments as for what was not identified?
> they have given us few days to find out (work around).
Again, if my guess that your problem is with the absent page markup (web elements do not have unique and stable identifiers), then you will not get anything by replacing the tool. If the above is your case, you have only two options possible:
a) Talk to Development and convince them to provide stable and unique identifiers for each and every web element that your test code needs to interact with;
b) Spend time and efforts to figure out and implement in code some approach to reliably identify required web elements. Depending on your application, this well may be some intelligent search for parent and child elements, image search, search by text, etc.