An error(Unable to connect to TestComplete) was reported in the Azure Pipeline
Hi guys,
I want to integrate testcomplete in the Azure Pipeline, but when I upload the test document to Azure Repos and execute it using the Pipeline, I always get the following error. What is the reason? How do I fix this?
I hope someone can help me. Thanks
##[error]Failed to get a list of tests from the "D:\a\1\s\TesComplete\TestAzureDevops.pjs" file due to the following error: Unable to connect to TestComplete: All available TestComplete license seats are currently in use.All available TestComplete license seats are currently in use. TestComplete could not start because the license check has failed.
I fixed this problem because of the license type. The trial version has two license types, one is TestComplete Pro and the other is normal version. The TestExecute permission is set in the Pro version, which is only available in the Pro version.