A prompt: Could u please show figure next to the folders?
On project panel, can you add figure which shows the amount of the automated cases next to all the folders?
Because I can know how many cases I have automated easily. For now, I have to count the number of the automated cases manually. That's too annoying.
As the enclosed picture shown.
Thank you!
karkadil wrote:
Alex, why not?
The number may display the number of the routines in the script unit, for instance.
As for me, this sounds like a useful feature request.
Number of routines per script unit is displayed in the Code Explorer already.
I understand what SlowDaniel would like to see... a count of how many items are contained in each folder. That would probably be useful so long as it is understood that the count does not reflect # of test cases. A keyword test != a test case... sometimes a keyword test is a repeatable piece of code that is used by multiple keyword tests. So, the count on each folder should be displayed, simply, as the count of items within that folder.