Swagger annotation for "Object" type field with oneOf
I have the following class used as part of a rest request body
public static class Area {
@Schema(oneOf = { String.class, Number.class }, description = SwaggerAPIMessages.KEY, required = true, example = "") private Object key; @Schema(description = SwaggerAPIMessages.VALUE, required = true, example = "") private double value;
public Area() { }
when i generate the swagger, i see no reference to the oneOf specification
"Area":{"required":["key","value"],"type":"object","properties":{"key":{"type":"object","description":"The category part for a x,y plot","jsonSchema":{"type":"object","description":"The category part for a x,y plot"}},"value":{"type":"number","description":"The value part for an x,y plot","format":"double"}},"description":"The category and value pair for an area chart series"}
When i import it into https://editor.swagger.io/ i get