Forum Discussion

jknipp's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

XQuery Match Assertion multiple elements

I have a test step that returns the following response. What I what to do is create a XQuery Match validation that validates each <applicationId> element contains the same value as I pass in the request. Basically the functionality of a for each loop to compare each element. How do I do this?

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<ns2:findUserConceptByAppResponse xmlns:ns2="">

This validates correctly for the first instance of the <applicationId> element but I want all of them to match.

declare namespace soap='';
declare namespace ns2='';
matches(//ns2:findUserConceptByAppResponse[1]/return[1]/applicationId[1]/text(), '${#TestSuite#ApplicationId}')

1 Reply

  • tjdurden's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Just a thought, but are you able to have multiple conditions, e.g. add the following...

    matches(//ns2:findUserConceptByAppResponse[1]/return[1]/applicationId[2]/text(), '${#TestSuite#ApplicationId}')
    matches(//ns2:findUserConceptByAppResponse[1]/return[1]/applicationId[3]/text(), '${#TestSuite#ApplicationId}')
    matches(//ns2:findUserConceptByAppResponse[1]/return[1]/applicationId[4]/text(), '${#TestSuite#ApplicationId}')