Forum Discussion

mithunbhat's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

How to enable/disable multiple assertions in a test Suite via groovy script

I need to enable/disable multiple assertions in a test Suite via groovy script 


I know how to disable individual assertion via

testSuite.getTestCaseByName("TestCaseName").getTestStepByName("TestStepName").getAssertionByName( "ConciseResponse" ).disabled = true


But I would like to enable / disable all the assertions named "ConciseResponse" in a test suite via groovy script. Any help would be appreciated

  • nmrao's avatar
    4 years ago


    Not sure what is happening unless you provide the log. Or it is possible to have an issue with copy paste, sometimes, different characters are pasted. Please look in that front as well.


    Or you can create a simple project with a test suite and try running it. It should work.


    Any way, the solution provided is a tested solution.


    By the way, here is an improved version, to handle test steps that can't have an assertion such as Groovy Script, Properties steps


    testSuite.testCaseList?.each { kase -> 
    	kase.testStepList?.each { 
    		if (it.metaClass.respondsTo(it, 'getAssertions')) it?.assertions['ConciseResponse']?.disabled = true 




13 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Where is the above script located? or a screen shot where the above script is currently present in the project?
    How are you disabling it? Because that script should not be part of any test case, correct? Just a temporary one.

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3


    Open setup script of test suite and add the following and run it.

    Once you verify the assertions are disabled, you take remove the same from setup script as it is no more needed.



    testSuite.testCaseList?.each { kase -> kase.testStepList?.each { it?.assertions['ConciseResponse']?.disabled = true } }






    • mithunbhat's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      nmrao - Tried the script you have posted at the Setup script at the TestSuite level, but i am getting a script error 


      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        Would you please show screen shot of setup script?

        Also try removing ? marks one by one to see if that helps.

  • mithunbhat : You need to loop through each Test case in that Test Suite and write the same code which you have mentioned.