Forum Discussion

Jasper175's avatar
Frequent Contributor
12 years ago

XmlParser - finding a child value &returning a parent value

I searched through all the XmlSlurper codes and not helping in my case. I have a return of devices that each MAC Address has two ports and various child values, one of which is the phoneNumber (did).
However I only have the phoneNumber (did) to search with and want to pull the macAddress that it belongs to.

Here is a sample of an XML testStep in SoapUI

    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<ns2:GetDeviceServiceDidMapResponse xmlns:ns2="http://xyz" xmlns:ns3="http://xyz" xmlns:ns4="http://xyz">

In here I want to FIND the phoneNumber (did) 12003004001 and report back the macAddress it is set to ABCDEF123456.

So far my code is:

    def response = context.expand( '${getDeviceServiceDidMap#Response}' )

def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(response).Body.GetDeviceServiceDidMapResponse.deviceUnits.devicePorts.serviceEntities.didTargets.find
{it.did == "12003004001"}.???????.text()

The ? part is where I'm not sure what I'm doing - I tried setting the path to the macAddress but nothing is working.

Thank you,
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